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SaveHealth & Wellness 6 Quick Relaxation Techniques For Inner Calm

6 Quick Relaxation Techniques For Inner Calm

Looking to ease your response to anxiety and daily pressures? Try these stress-reducing techniques for inner calm and relaxation.

6 Quick Relaxation Techniques For Inner Calm

There's no feeling quite as satisfying as ticking things off your to-do list. Although, even when we're motivated, there is one activity we often neglect: relaxation! 

By prioritizing stress-reducing techniques, we improve our health, enhance sleep quality, increase our patience and tolerance for everyday stresses, and gain confidence to handle crises. Sounds ideal, doesn't it?

Are you ready to relax and be more motivated for the daily hustle? Here are our favorite relaxation techniques.

Tip 1: Pet playtime

For those who work at home, taking some time to cuddle your furbaby can have massive benefits. Engaging with your pet can reduce stress, increase serotonin (that blissfully happy hormone), and leave you feeling relaxed and calm. 

Tip 2: Mindfulness meditation

Relaxation techniques for anxiety involve introspection. By quieting your body, mind, and emotions, you become attuned to your needs, setting aside stressors and gaining perspective. 

Mindfulness meditation is a discipline, and you'll gradually get better at it. So keep practicing! Intrusive and racing thoughts can add to our stress levels. Take some time in your day to set those thoughts aside, release negative beliefs, breathe deeply, and calm your mind and body. 

Tip 3: Busy hands

Doing something constructive with your hands can relieve anxiety. Find something you love and can easily incorporate into your day. Gardening, building puzzles, doodling, needlework, or playing with a fidget object can be a type of meditation that calms your mind.

Tip 4: Muscle relaxation

We all know exercise is good for our mood, but relaxing your muscles also has positive effects. Feel tension ease as you position yourself in a quiet and relaxed space. Breathe slowly as your think about every muscle from your eyelids to your baby toes. Clench and relax each part of your body. You'll need some space to do this, or a private office where no one will disturb you.

Tip 5: Guided imagery podcasts

Relaxation therapy techniques are best adopted when they fit into our lives. If you're constantly running between meetings or daily chores, then guided imagery podcasts could help you. By popping your ear pods in, you can take a mini-break. 

Meditation podcasts offer you an opportunity to tap into your imagination as your go about your tasks. The goal is to create positive sensations and calm. 

Tip 6: Calm and clean space

When you're short on time for relaxation therapy, try adding some zen into your space. You can create a workspace or home that supports your mental wellness by adding plants, aromatherapy oil diffusers, or desktop fountains. Studies have also shown that order and cleanliness can positively impact mental health. So get the feather duster dusting, and organize your desk so that every day starts with a clear space and mind.

Quick relaxation techniques that you can easily integrate into your routine will leave you happier, calmer, and more productive. Pat yourself on the back for incorporating calm into your day. You're worth it!