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SaveHealth & Wellness Digital Detox in Four Easy Steps

Digital Detox in Four Easy Steps

A digital detox can help reduce stress and improve well-being. Learn how to plan and complete a digital detox to break your dependency on your screens.

Digital Detox in Four Easy Steps

According to a study by the American Psychological Association, people who are constantly checking their phones have higher stress levels. If you're feeling stressed, anxious, and struggling to focus, maybe it's time to try a digital detox.

What is a digital detox?

A digital detox is simply time taken away from digital devices. It usually includes cutting down on (or totally eliminating) social media, scrolling through your phone, and TV time. The idea is to break your dependence on digital devices to reduce stress and improve wellbeing.  

Digital detox benefits

A digital detox can help reduce stress and free up extra time each day. You'll likely also find that you're able to be more present and focused on the people around you right now.

Step 1: Set your goals

There's no one-size fits-all solution when it comes to digital detox. Some people choose to go all out and completely remove digital devices, while others prefer a more lenient and measured approach. It's all about figuring out which things you need to remove from your life and for how long. Here are some examples of digital detox plans:

  • No phones during meal times for two weeks
  • No messages, email, or digital devices of any kind for the whole weekend
  • No phones before the kids are in bed (for parents)
  • No social media of any kind for two weeks

Step 2: Get the support you need

Having the support of loved ones makes a big difference when you're making changes in your life. Explain your plan to a close friend or family member and ask them to support you in your goals. You may even find it helpful to have them check in on you from time to time and ask you if you're managing to stick to your plan. They may even want to do it with you!

Step 3: Let people know

Doing a digital detox is likely to change how quickly you'll respond to messages, emails, and social media interactions. It's a great idea to communicate with the people who are most likely to be affected by the changes and let them know your plans.

Step 4: Set up your technology

Before you start a digital detox challenge, it's a good idea to set up your devices to help you succeed. This could involve things like setting up automated email replies or deleting social media apps from your phone.

Step 5: Give yourself enough time to build new habits

Building new habits takes time. The first few days of a digital detox can feel strange. You'll need to figure out how to spend all the time you've freed up. You'll probably feel bored. Don't give up too quickly though, you'll soon find rewarding and useful ways to fill the extra time. 

Low on ideas? Save can help. They have some great ideas to improve your health, enjoy special time with family and much, much more.