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Save 4 Cheap Meal Ideas for $2 Per Portion

4 Cheap Meal Ideas for $2 Per Portion

Eat well and keep your wallet full with the cheapest meals packed with nutrients. These ideas for cheap meals are tasty and nutritious without breaking the bank.

4 Cheap Meal Ideas for $2 Per Portion

When we’re feeling the pinch at the grocery store, it can be tempting to grab “cheap” processed foods off the shelf. But you can actually make much healthier meals for what you’d pay for packaged, processed food.

Here are some ideas for the cheapest meals you can make that deliver high-quality nutrients.

1. Buddha bowls

Buddha bowls, also known as grain bowls, are simple veggie-packed meals that fit a lot of vibrant, diverse ingredients in a single bowl. Each Buddha bowl has a few main components.

  • Grain: This can be a whole grain like rice or quinoa. You may already have something you can use in your pantry.
  • Vegetables: These can be fresh, in-season veggies, or something frozen, like edamame.
  • Protein: For a vegetarian Buddha bowl, you can use beans or legumes, like chickpeas. Or, fry up some extra-firm tofu. For meat-eaters, you can add a hardboiled egg, some grilled chicken, or another lean protein.
  • Drizzle: Tying the bowl together is a sauce. Whip up a lemon tahini drizzle, use soy sauce, add pesto, or top it with a chipotle drizzle.

You can also top your bowl with accompaniments like seeds and nuts, fresh herbs, or tortilla strips. Buddha bowls are a great way to use what’s leftover in your fridge or pantry, and add some farm-fresh ingredients to brighten up the meal.

2. Kitchen sink pasta

Pasta is a great base for a cheap meal. It lasts a long time in your pantry, and you can add fresh ingredients and proteins on top of the pasta dish.

Some ideas to elevate your pasta meal on the cheap include:

  • Toss in-season veggies, like chopped zucchini, mushrooms, or butternut squash, with olive oil, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper. Roast at 400°F for 30 minutes. Add that to pasta with your favorite sauce.
  • Make a vegan version of Bolognese by cooking red lentils in canned diced tomatoes with salt, herbs, and pepper. Stir in some sauteed onions and garlic, plus some finely chopped walnuts for extra texture.
  • Build your pasta dish based on what you have in your fridge and pantry. Add veggies that need to be used to make a pasta primavera. If you have leftover cream, use that as a base to make an Alfredo sauce.

Since pasta is a relatively cheap grocery store ingredient, it’s easy to create a meal by adding on-sale fresh or canned ingredients to it. The same package of pasta could make multiple meals that taste completely different based on what you add.

3. Tacos

Tacos are another easy, customizable meal that gives you the opportunity to use discount ingredients. To maximize your savings on a Taco Tuesday, or any other day of the week, use this guide.

  • Compare prices on corn versus flour tortillas. Generally, corn shells are going to be cheaper and will also pack more nutrients compared to white flour tortillas.
  • Check out what proteins are on sale. You can use frozen ground beef, or make pork, fish, or chicken tacos. If you cook your meat in a slow cooker, you could double up on the portion and save the extra protein for another meal.
  • For veggie taco options, shop canned protein that’s on sale, like black beans or chickpeas. You could also use portobello mushrooms as a “steak” option, or cook shredded cauliflower for a meaty but meatless mouthfeel.
  • Look for discounted garnishes. Generally, you can save more when you do the chopping yourself instead of buying bagged items that are precut. Onions, cabbage, limes, and cilantro are great taco toppers.

Turn any taco into a salad by using on-sale lettuce as the base, rather than a tortilla or taco shell. Use Mexican spices like cumin and chili powder to add flavor to the meat or veggie protein you're using.

4. Topped baked potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most filling, inexpensive ingredients available, and they’re incredibly versatile for recipes. They provide tasty plant-based starch, along with fiber and protein. Some delicious and budget-friendly ways to top them include:

  • Melt butter with onion powder and garlic powder. Mix in some red hot sauce, then cook chickpeas in the sauce. Pour over a potato and top with cheese or a dairy-free option.
  • Cook canned baked beans or chili with your favorite in-season fresh veggies.
  • Use the sauces you have in your pantry or fridge to guide the other ingredients. Leftover salsa? Add some black beans and chopped green onions on top of the potato. Need to use up barbecue sauce? Shop for ham or chicken on sale, then chop up the meat, cook it, and top it with the sauce.

Take a look at what ingredients you already have on hand. You may find a simple potato is all you need to bring a dish to life.

Some tips to save on nutritious ingredients at the grocery store include:

  • Shop fresh items that are on sale.
  • Buy canned or frozen produce in bulk when it’s on sale to save compared to fresh produce costs.
  • Purchase what’s in season, as fresh fruits and veggies typically cost less when they’re in season.
  • Shop for dried goods, like legumes, beans, and rice. These are typically cheaper than cooked and canned ingredients, and they are very nutritious.
  • Check the Save coupon book finder to find discounted items to plan meals around.

Another easy way to save while grocery shopping is to head to the store with a plan. Use recipes like these cheap meal ideas to guide your shop. That will help you avoid impulse buys for expensive, and potentially less nutritious, food.

Fresh = cheaper + more nutritious + tastier

Skip the drive-through line or the TV dinners. It’s quick and easy to whip up budget-friendly cheap meal ideas at home. Try to create a meal by pairing a nutritious grain or starch with lean protein and fresh produce. You can find in-season ingredients on sale, save by making bulk purchases of canned and frozen foods, and use what you already have at home to inspire your dishes.

Love cooking? Check out more money-saving articles on recipes and dining, like:

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