Writing can be hard. If your child loves to write, then you're one of the lucky ones. Most children find it a difficult skill to master and try to avoid writing. These tips can help build confidence and get your child to actually enjoy writing.

Break it up into simpler tasks

For most kids, writing is a complex skill that takes many years to master. The skill of writing can be broken down into a few simpler skills. Your child needs to:

  1. Decide what they want to write about. This could involve thinking up a plot and planning how their story will progress.
  2. Find the right words to express what they want to say.
  3. Spell all those words and actually write them down. This can be complex, especially for younger kids.

Try to figure out where your child is getting stuck in this process. Some kids are naturally creative storytellers, but struggle to get their words down on paper. Others are good at writing and spelling, but find it hard (or embarrassing) to develop creative ideas. Sometimes children struggle to express themselves beautifully and will be frustrated by how boring their writing sounds. 

Once you've figured out which area they're struggling with, you can help. Try to help them with any skills that are still tricky for them. This could involve letting them tell you their story out loud before they write it down or offering help with spelling. For younger kids, you can write their story as they tell it.

Offer them lots of help and encouragement

Writing can be scary stuff for a kid! Let them know that you're available and happy to help. If they ask for ideas or help with spelling, you want to be enthusiastic about helping. But don't hover! The last thing a kid needs is to have an adult butting in and correcting them while they're busy. 

Enjoy reading their work

If your kids let you read their writing (they might not) then let them see you enjoy it. Laugh at the funny bits, feel the emotions. Try to let them see you enjoy it in a similar way to how they enjoy a favorite story. You could even bring it up later or tell them how something you saw reminded you of their story.

Limit your feedback 

Your kid will love watching you read what they've written, but correcting mistakes or giving too much feedback (even if it's positive) can be off-putting to budding writers. Rather let the spelling mistakes slide and foster a love for writing.

Give them fun materials

A fun journal or notebook might be all the encouragement your kids need to start writing. Try to have as few rules as possible about the book. Let them choose what they want to write about and when. They don't need anything fancy like a kid's writing desk. In fact, most kids will be happiest lying on the floor or sitting on their beds. You don't want your kid's writing practice to feel like school. 

Start with pictures

A picture can sometimes be worth a thousand words. Younger children and less confident writers might want to start their creative journey by telling stories with pictures. That's a great place to start. Let them tell you all about the pictures and offer to write the words underneath for them. Storytelling often progresses into writing on its own, but if children feel pressured to write, it can feel like a chore instead of a joy.

Are there other ways I can encourage learning?

Kids love learning! Save has some great, affordable tips to help you encourage learning in your home. Find out more about how to encourage your children to read, try these fun glow-in-the-dark activities, or jump into these DIY sensory play ideas for toddlers.

And, always check your Save mailer to make sure you're getting your supplies at the best prices!